Here are a list of our regular Sunday school classes:
**Adult Homebuilders class in the fellowship hall led by Jon Stewart
**Koinonia class in the upstairs former nursery at the rear of the sanctuary led by Maryann Collins.
**Middle School & Senior High (grades 6-12)–meet in the youth room at the end of the hallway downstairs with Tammi Martin & Katie Stewart
**Grades 4-5 meet in the second classroom on the left in the downstairs hallway led by Gwen Graybill and Keith Graybill, Jr.
**Grades 1-3 meet in the last classroom on the left in the upstairs hallway with Sue Mathieson
**Pre-K and Kindergarten will meet with Betsy Horchler & Kathy Schepp–in the third classroom on the right in the upstairs hallway
**The Toddlers meet in the second classroom on the right upstairs with Judy Brown leading.